The spread of Covid-19, outside as well as inside prisons, has led to a varied series of responses from States in contrasting the pandemic. In this dossier we analyze some country cases, paying particular attention to political prisoners and...
By Lucia Michelini for Unimondo* As in all wars, the current one in Eastern Europe following Russia's invasion of Ukraine is generating effects whose impact is perceived beyond the borders of the states directly involved. The consequences of this conflict...
More than 160 photo reporters from over 37 countries have taken part in the second edition of WaRS - War And Revolutionary Stories, the international photography award created by Associazione 46° Parallelo/Atlante delle Guerre e dei Conflitti del Mondo...
by Emanuele Giordana, reporting from Nairobi Africa remains at the centre of the international community's concerns due to all the risks associated with hunger: Ethiopia, Nigeria, South Sudan and Yemen in particular remain at the highest level of alert, writes...
By Alice Pistolesi The fragility of the African political systems is becoming increasingly evident. In the last eighteen months, Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali, Sudan, Guinea and Chad have been affected by coups d'état. We asked Francesco Strazzari, professor of political...
By Marta Cavallaro Although African countries contribute only 4% of global emissions, forecasts show that by 2030 118 million Africans will suffer from severe drought, massive flooding and extreme heat. These past months have been just a small taste of...

Sudan’s tragedy

This article appeared first on our Italian website, as it was written by our Italian editorial director Raffaele Crocco on November 18, 2021. Confusion: this would the correct description, if it were not too bland to describe a tragedy involving...
The border conflict between Sudan and Ethiopia ignites once again, this time caused by an offensive military initiative by Khartoum in the al-Fashaga District. (depicted on the map) The district has been disputed since colonial times, and is currently...
by Ambra Visentin The scenario has been the same for months, with queues stretching for miles at many petrol stations across the country. Presidential elections are due to be held on 25 February and, as has historically been the case...
By Marta Cavallaro On Monday 15 August, William Ruto was officially declared the winner of Kenya's latest presidential election, becoming the country's fifth President. The gap by which he overtook Raila Odinga, his main opponent backed by outgoing President Uhruru...

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