by Higerta Gjergji The search for “rare earths”, known in the world as Rare Earth Elements (REE), is destined to become one of the pillars of the ecological transition, referring to materials that are increasingly in demand in the industrial...
by Ambra Visentin Over the past five years, European countries have almost doubled their arms imports and their dependence on US suppliers is at an all-time high. At the same time, the volume of arms transfers in the world has...
By Ambra Visentin One month into 2024, we are already seeing the results of some major elections, the first of a very long series in a record year: no fewer than 76 Countries are going to the polls, representing 51%...
The 2023 Women's World Cup is taking place in Australia and New Zealand from last week until 20 August. But it's not just the team taking to the pitch: The International Clean Clothes Campaign is shining a light on...
by Jonathan Power * - IDN-InDepthNews, Othernews Lund, Sweden. 18 July 2023 (IDN) - That bar, the Red Star, on the far side of eastern Europe was closed - until the Ukraine war started. So why did the White Moon...
by By Joseph Camilleri* - Pearls and Irritations, Australian platform, Othernews Much has been made of the creation of AUKUS and the agreement to provide Australia with eight nuclear powered submarines. Many have rightly decried Australia’s loss of independence. AUKUS,...
by Ambra Visentin According to a UN decision, Australia has for too long failed to adequately protect Pacific islanders from the effects of climate change and for this it must compensate them. While the idea of attacking Western states for...
The “G20 Afghanistan” ended on October 12th in Italy, and on the following day the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of the Twenty Summit (Fmcbg) met in Washington, at the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund. it was...
This article appeared first on the Italian website of the Atlas of Wars on september 18, 2021. It was written by our Director, Italian journalist Raffaele Crocco. The news we received in September 2021 are signals of one, greater message:...

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