by Riccardo Noury, spokesperson for Amnesty International Italy.
Amnesty International – Italy has been our projects’ partner for over a decade, supporting and participating in each of the yearly publications, with data and analyses. Find more about this key NGO partner under the article. 


2021 is coming to an end, which means it’s time to reflect on our priorities and our work in the new year. The last couple of years had us all reflect on the importance of individual mobilization as well as the key role of civil society organizations: from the BLM movement to social and environmental justice, we have realized that change can only be achieved if we are all informed, and involved.

Amnesty International longs for a world where everyone can live in safety and dignity and enjoy their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights wherever they are and without discrimination; and where no one feels compelled to move because of conflict, persecution, or other serious human rights violations, including lack of access to essential levels of economic and social rights.

In 2022, our movement will stand in solidarity with refugees, migrants, and people on the frontline of crisis by protecting the universal human right to asylum, preventing racism and discrimination based on gender and background in migration, monitoring violations, abuses, and arbitrary withdrawal of rights and exposing linkages between migration politics and root causes for displacement, such as rights violations and displacement due to trade, resource extraction and environmental degradation.

Chrsitian Lue, Unsplash


Amnesty International is the world’s largest grassroots human rights organization, gathering over ten million people. The movement works tirelessly to investigate and expose abuses, educate and mobilise the public, and help transform societies to create a safer, more just world. In 1977, Amnesty International was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The cooperation between the national branch of the organization and the Atlas of Wars is based on one, key, communal goal: the creation and spread of a culture of peace, based on social justice and on the respect for human rights everywhere. 


Photos: Christian Lue, Unsplash, all rights reserved.