by Alessandro De Pascale After a massive air bombing campaign and a rain of artillery fire, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) of the Jewish state launched substantial and rapid ground operations, crossing the border with their tanks into the border...
“Macron, ‘Stop supplying Israel with the weapons it uses in Gaza’ The head of the Élysée: ‘France does not provide them.’ PARIS, October 5, 2024, 3:19 PM The French president Emmanuel Macron has expressed support for halting arms supplies to Israel that...
We are pleased to publish a press release from the Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality, the association that deals with the ever-increasing abuse of the indigenous Bedouin population in the Negev-Naqab desert. A population that lives mainly from pastoralism...
Poverty is deeply entrenched in Afghanistan. This can be attributed in part to the country’s physical isolation, rugged terrain and often harsh climate; to underlying cultural norms, especially with regard to the rights of women; and to its recurring...
shooting Palestiniansby Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies * - OtherNews, * Given that the General Assembly, unlike the exclusive 15-member UN Security Council, allows all UN members to vote and there is no veto in the General Assembly,...
by Thomas Gift*  - The Conversation, OtherNews Although she has been vice-president for three and a half years, recent polling showed that around one-third of Americans knew little about what Harris stood for heading into the speech. This result is...
by Mohammad Shamandafar (from Amman) Following last week’s events in Lebanon and Iran, the sirens of war in the Middle East region started on October 7th between Israel and Hamas seems to have reached a(nother) dangerous peak. In a matter...
by Subir Bhaumik (from Calcutta)* Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s unceremonious exit from the country was clearly under military pressure, as the army was not willing to enforce her orders for a further crackdown on the student protests. She was...
“Young people and people from every range of life across Bangladesh, across the entire country, came out on the streets to celebrate,” UN Resident Coordinator Gwyn Lewis remarked. Some of the celebrations following Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s resignation took a...
by Sofia Silei The trafficking and sexual exploitation of Nigerian women is a deeply rooted issue, perpetuated by organized crime networks that operate both within Nigeria and across Europe. These networks, predominantly composed of Nigerian nationals, facilitate the recruitment, transportation,...

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