by Arianna Morandi In February 2012, Judge Kong Srim, President of the Supreme Court of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, stated that “the crimes committed by Kaing Guek Eav are undoubtedly among the worst in human history....
by Thaslima Begum* - The Guardian, OtherNews Security Force Monitor finds 64% of senior army officers led units allegedly committing killings, rapes, torture and disappearances. New research into alleged war crimes in Myanmar has concluded that the majority of senior commanders...
by Theo Guzman The combined forces of three ‘ethnic armies’, the regional militias that have been fighting the Burmese central government for years, have captured the strategic town of Chinshwehaw, leaving the Burmese military junta without control of a border...
by Subir Bhaumik * Bangladesh’s Islamist opposition appears to be on the warpath after a three-day nationwide blockade (31 October - 2 November) following the violence that erupted during their protest rally in Dhaka on Saturday. Their one-point demand: that...
“Guilty Silences” is the title of the dossier presented by the NGO Italy-Burma Together on 24 October at the Italian Parliament during a press conference on ‘The Danieli Case’, moderated by Francesco Radicioni of Radio Radicale. The dossier, subtitled...
by Subir Bhaumik *   As the countdown begins on Bangladesh’s parliament polls scheduled for Jan 2024, there seems to be a resurgence of Islamist radicalism with both major parties, ruling Awami League and main Opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), looking to...
by Antonio Michele Storto   Tensions are once again high in Turkey, where a crackdown is underway following the suicide attack claimed by the PKK in Ankara: on 1st October, coinciding with the resumption of parliamentary work, a militant of the...
Fresh violence has erupted in India’s north-eastern state of Manipur, bordering Myanmar, where three months of ethnic violence between Meitei lowlanders and Kuki hill tribesmen has left nearly 100 dead. More than 70,000 people have been displaced from their...
At least 30,000 people have left Nagorno-Karabakh for Armenia in recent days following the new offensive launched by Azerbaijan to annex the territory, which has been disputed with Yerevan since 1994. This goal seems to have been achieved. On...
Bombs, clashes and an uncertain death toll. As the UN General Assembly gets underway in New York, an old flashpoint is reigniting in the heart of the Caucasus: Azerbaijan, launching a military operation, has announced its intention to continue...

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